【訃報】ジェフ・ベック 細菌性髄膜炎で死去 享年78
On behalf of his family, it is with deep and profound sadness that we share the news of Jeff Beck’s passing. After suddenly contracting bacterial meningitis, he peacefully passed away yesterday. His family ask for privacy while they process this tremendous loss. pic.twitter.com/4dvt5aGzlv
— Jeff Beck (@jeffbeckmusic) January 11, 2023
With the death of Jeff Beck we have lost a wonderful man and one of the greatest guitar players in the world. We will all miss him so much. pic.twitter.com/u8DYQrLNB7
— Mick Jagger (@MickJagger) January 11, 2023
ギターの可能性を無限に広げた偉大なるギタリスト、Jeff Beckが突然旅立った。彼の虹のような音色はいつまでも心の空で輝き続けるだろう。ありがとう。孤高の魂よ、安らかに。#JeffBeck pic.twitter.com/kRRtw3uyY8
— 布袋寅泰 (@Official_Hotei) January 12, 2023
I can’t express how saddened I am to hear of @JeffBeckMusic’s passing. What a terrible loss for his family, friends & his many fans. It was such an honor to have known Jeff & an incredible honor to have had him play on my most recent album, #PatientNumber9.
— Ozzy Osbourne (@OzzyOsbourne) January 11, 2023
Long live #JeffBeck pic.twitter.com/hG6O9tzfij
— ギブソン・ジャパン (@GibsonJapan) January 11, 2023
素晴らしい音楽をありがとう#JeffBeck #forever #rip pic.twitter.com/spdeEwHSca
ジェフ・ベックよ安らかに。彼は史上最高のギタリストのひとり。僕は彼のグラミー賞を受賞したアルバム「フラッシュ」をプロデュースし、ロバート・プランツが結成したハニードリッパーズでも一緒だった。ジェフからあまりに多くのものを与えてもらったんだ。#chicorg #nilerodgers #JeffBeck https://t.co/HDJK7BxCGu
— NileRodgersJapan (@NileJapan) January 11, 2023
Jeff Beck が亡くなったって。。
— 矢野顕子 Akiko Yano (@Yano_Akiko) January 12, 2023
RIP Jeff Beck 🙏
— Queen (@QueenWillRock) January 12, 2023
"He was inimitable, irreplaceable - the absolute pinnacle of guitar playing." - Brian May
"A totally unique and magical talent." - Roger Taylor pic.twitter.com/PxBNgBiu1Q
Jeff, thank you for believing in me before anyone else did. You stood behind me & told everyone to take me seriously. You treated me like a daughter to the point where Wikipedia actually thought that was true. Actually, I did too. ♥️💔♥️💔@jeffbeckmusic #RIPJeffBeck pic.twitter.com/TtQ0Ysrji3
— TAL (@talwilkenfeld) January 12, 2023
I was so saddened to hear that Jeff Beck had died. Jeff Beck was a lovely man with a wicked sense of humour who played some of the best guitar music ever to come out of Great Britain. pic.twitter.com/2ggP3Lhpge
— Paul McCartney (@PaulMcCartney) January 12, 2023
— 東儀秀樹 (@htogi999) January 12, 2023
中学3年の時Blow by Blowのアムバムの真似をして写真を撮った。今は同じことを16歳の息子がやっている。40年以上同じ影響。
今日は息子とジェフベックを沢山聴いた。#jeffbeck#ジェフベック pic.twitter.com/MIMT9xDiu4
🙏Now Jeff has gone, I feel like one of my band of brothers has left this world, and I’m going to dearly miss him. I’m sending much sympathy to Sandra, his family, and all who loved him. I want to thank him for all our early days together in Jeff Beck Group, conquering America. pic.twitter.com/UareDAdtZ9
— Ronnie Wood (@ronniewood) January 11, 2023
— Sir Rod Stewart (@rodstewart) January 11, 2023
Jeff Beck was on another planet . He took me and Ronnie Wood to the USA in the late 60s in his band the Jeff Beck Group
and we haven’t looked back since . pic.twitter.com/uS7bbWsHgW
"When I was 16 years old, The Spiders, who became the original Alice Cooper band, opened for the Yardbirds. That night I experienced the greatest guitar player I had ever heard. Half a century later Jeff Beck is still the greatest guitarist, PERIOD…. pic.twitter.com/awwMOXOJDm
— Alice Cooper (@alicecooper) January 12, 2023
Rest in Peace, Jeff Beck 🖤 pic.twitter.com/CkecJA8gT2
— The Beatles (@BeatlesEarth) January 11, 2023
His technique unique. His imaginations apparently limitless. Jeff I will miss you along with your millions of fans. Jeff Beck Rest in Peace.https://t.co/4h1DfXXmWI
— Jimmy Page (@JimmyPage) January 11, 2023
I am devastated to hear the news of the death of my friend and hero Jeff Beck, whose music has thrilled and inspired me and countless others for so many years.
— David Gilmour (@davidgilmour) January 11, 2023
Polly‘s and my thoughts go out to his lovely wife Sandra.
He will be forever in our hearts. pic.twitter.com/369rHU7BCX
I met Jeff Beck when I was 17 and I was glad to know a guy like that, a guy who was able to show me how this guitar playing thing should be approached and that’s still very much the case. Jeff was a wondrous soul and we already miss him tremendously.
— Billy F Gibbons (@BillyFGibbons) January 12, 2023
@jeffbeckmusic #JeffBeck pic.twitter.com/qW8R0b7pCz
The loss of our friend Jeff Beck is crushing. All our love and prayers go out to his family, his friends, and his fans around the world. Until we meet again, Jeff. - Team BG pic.twitter.com/579qviqPSc
— Buddy Guy (@TheRealBuddyGuy) January 12, 2023
Legendary. Rest in peace Jeff Beck.
— Guns N' Roses (@gunsnroses) January 12, 2023
Photo by David Redfern pic.twitter.com/eBMdBJ9XXB
— Marshall Japan(マーシャルアンプ) (@Marshall_Japan) January 12, 2023
「Jeff Beckか、それ以外か」とまで言わしめた唯一無二の繊細なタッチとコントロールで、エレキギターの奏でうるサウンドの可能性を常に世界へ見せつけてきたJeff。七色の演奏が、天国の音楽シーンすら広げることでしょう。
R.I.P #JeffBeck https://t.co/GzRsHYr2Zq pic.twitter.com/OgZTxHEfUz
Jeff Beckが亡くなったと…🥲
— 佐野史郎 (@shiro_sano) January 12, 2023
けれど、やっぱり「BLOW BY BLOW」‼︎
JEFF BECKの訃報、たいへんショックです。
— ウドー音楽事務所 Osaka Office (@osaka_udo) January 12, 2023
どうか安らかに。 pic.twitter.com/aPu2Knm8p8
RFT表紙に使ったツリー「BECK PAGE AND THE YARDBIRDS」です。表紙ではLed Zeppelinが中心に見えますが違います。これはまさしくJeff Beckのツリーです。この本の一番太い幹です。いつかは迎えねばならない日でしたが、早すぎます。 pic.twitter.com/CUdBlU5bbH
— ROCK FAMILY TREES日本版 (@RFT_JP) January 12, 2023
— Kyoji Yamamoto(山本恭司) (@KyojiTWJ) January 12, 2023
Jeff Beck… Legend. pic.twitter.com/unOceSUfSU
— Jon Bon Jovi (@jonbonjovi) January 12, 2023
Jeff Beck was the Salvador Dali of guitar, to see him play was to hear the ultimate 6 string alchemist create magic in a world of its own. With his passing, the world is a poorer place. Our heartfelt sympathies go out to Sandra. We share your sorrow.
— Joe Perry (@JoePerry) January 12, 2023
Photo by: @RossHalfin pic.twitter.com/dpoCf9q8EO
💐 追悼 #JeffBeck 氏 🙏
— なかの あずさ (@azusa_2_gou) January 12, 2023
☕ #けいおん で 知りました 💦
※『 🎸 ロック ギタリスト には
2種類しかいない ジェフベック
と それ以外 だと言われている 』
※ 一部 要約
📺 アニメ にまで名前が出てくる位
🎸 #ギターヒーロー は#ジェフベック と #後藤ひとり pic.twitter.com/eR2fIOU3QA
— TOWER VINYL(タワーヴァイナル) (@towervinyl) January 12, 2023
心よりご冥福をお祈りいたします。#JeffBeck pic.twitter.com/azOYpCGOwd
I was totally shocked to hear the very sad news of Jeff Beck’s passing. Jeff was such a nice person and an outstanding iconic, genius guitar player - there will never be another Jeff Beck. His playing was very special & distinctively brilliant! He will be missed. RIP Jeff -Tony pic.twitter.com/i6BGdqTUKU
— Tony Iommi (@tonyiommi) January 11, 2023
— harrier (@claptmania) January 13, 2023
残念... pic.twitter.com/mokBfb9sVA
Sad news #JeffBeck passed on today …I saw him with Beck Bogart & Appice supporting Lou Reed in the UK in ‘72 RIP …glad I was alive to hear him play….sublime…
— Billy Idol (@BillyIdol) January 12, 2023
Experience Hendrix and the family of Jimi Hendrix are deeply saddened to learn of the sudden passing of our good friend, legendary guitarist Jeff Beck. Rest In Peace, Jeff your music plays on! Fly on sweet angel. #JeffBeck @jeffbeckmusic pic.twitter.com/2gcSdvmofH
— Jimi Hendrix (@JimiHendrix) January 12, 2023
David Bowie & The Spiders From Mars after show party after the last gig at the Hammersmith Odeon, 1973. A raucous retirement party was held for #Bowie at the Cafe Royal in Piccadilly #JeffBeck centre. Bowie was quoted as saying "i remember nothing of this party" #RIPJeffBeck pic.twitter.com/hxYZAnS6uv
— News UK Archives (@NewsUKArchives) January 12, 2023